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Becca Moree is an adult romance author who lives in middle-of-no-where, South Carolina with her amazing hubs, her two adorable little girls as well as enough adorable fur and feather babies to qualify as a mini-farm. When asked about all of the animals she rescues, is given, or manages to bring home her hubs just laughed and said “I basically fund her having a zoo at this point. I’ve gotten used to it. I’m waiting on the day I come home to a potbelly pig and 2 rabbits that someone “gave” her…”
An ex-elementary school teacher, Becca is now a stay at home mom to her two rambunctious little girls. When she isn’t chasing them around or writing she is working on her custom sewing and embroidery business. (Or reading…reading is a slight obsession!)
Becca describes herself as a kid in an adult’s body. She loves games of all types but is a massive computer/console gamer chick. Her favorite movies tend to be of the Disney/Pixar variety, even before her girls were old enough to use as excuses. She is a Trekkie at heart and not afraid to let her dork flag fly high.
Becca has been writing since high-school. Most of her stories start as either a strange dream that refuses to stop repeating until she sits down and story-boards or a random conversation that would get most people committed. She openly admits that when it comes to her stories, while she does outline and use character development sheets, often the story takes off on a completely different path than she planned. She is an absolute passenger to her stories and typically just sits back and enjoys the ride as they tell her their stories.